The Benefits of Sustainable Silicone
20 years ago, who would have imagined that today’s America would be so dedicated to energy conservation, sustainable living, and “going green”. It’s crazy to think about how far we’ve come over the past decades and, depending on who you listen to, some would say we still have a long way to go. Either way you look at it, Progressive Materials’ silicone roof coatings offer numerous sustainable benefits. These benefits, as you will read, are also linked to cost savings making PM’s silicone roof coating even more appealing.
Relieving Landfills
The largest impact silicone roof coating has on the environment is that it eliminates roof tear-offs. Think of how many normal-sized dumpsters it would take to hold the roof on your house. Now image a 250,000 square foot roof and how much waste a roof tear-off would create. By restoring your roof instead of completely replacing it, you’re helping keep all of that waste out of landfills. Additionally, in most cases, you will also be cutting the price in half.
Lower VOCs
Another sustainable measure of silicone roof coating is that it is low in harsh chemicals. When harsh chemicals get into the environment, they can wreak havoc on plant and animal life, and cause adverse side effects to humans. PM’s silicone roof coatings have low volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This makes PM silicone ideal for use in any climate, even California – a state known for their strict environmental protection laws.
Energy Savings
The final sustainability feature we would like to discuss today is the energy savings one accrues with silicone roof coatings. Sometimes referred to as “cool roofs”, PM’s white silicone roofs can reflect up to 88% of the suns’ rays. This keeps your building’s temperature stable which decreases your energy bill. Decreasing overall energy usage is another sustainable practice that also saves you money! When one can help the environment and save money, we call that a win!
For full information on the sustainable benefits of silicone, check out our online piece!
We appreciate you keeping up with our blog series, “Why Silicone Coatings”. If you have additional questions about our silicone roof coatings, please reach out to your Regional Manager, here.