Just about every roof ever installed has had at least one thing in common: it flexes over time. When it gets cold roofs contract, when it gets hot they expand. When the wind blows, the roof shifts. When it rains or snows, the roof sinks down under the weight. As you walk on the roof, install new equipment, or remove old equipment, the roof will sag or rise up from the change in pressure. So, if your roof is constantly flexing and changing, you don’t want it to be covered with a rigid material that doesn’t have any give to it. Rubber roof flexibility can help your shifting roof in the following ways.
Keep Seams Covered
As the roof shifts, seams can pull apart and become exposed. A rubber roof that is flexible will stretch or shrink with the roof, and therefore keep these seams covered. Rather than exposing the roof as it’s position changes, rubber roof flexibility allows the coating to move with the roof. Seams are also reinforced on rubber roofs, so they have extra protection.
Prevent Fastener Backout
Specifically on metal roofs, when the roof expands and contracts, the fasteners can back out and leave holes. This is an obvious problem that can lead to problematic leaks. When you apply a rubber roof coating to the roof, however, it encapsulates these fasteners and prevents them from backing out. So as the roof expands and contracts due to thermal shock, the fasteners stay right where they are and no leaks develop.
Continued Leak Coverage
Consider a situation where you had leaks in your roof and wanted to stop them with a roof coating. Were you to choose a coating that is a little more rigid, this coating may rip as the roof shifts, exposing those leaks. Conversely, if you choose a silicone coating that is flexible, your new rubber roof flexibility can move with the roof system and keep the leaks completely encapsulated even as it expands and contracts.
Rubber roof flexibility is a major reason to choose a silicone roof. Other coatings can flex some but they are not nearly as elastic as silicone. If you live in a climate where temperatures change from hot to cold (which is just about everyone), you’ve got to consider a flexible rubber roof coating for your building.