We have long prided ourselves on our quality materials and exceptional customer service, both of which can now be accessed online! Our online store is live and accepting orders – You can not only buy silicone roof coatings online from our store, but you can find all of our products in our store. If you already receive a volume discount on silicone roof coating, you will continue to receive that discount in our online store. Once you set up shipping with us, the material will be delivered directly to your location without any hassle. If you shop with PM, you can buy silicone roof coatings without ever having to get up from your desk!

If you would like to buy silicone roof coatings online now, click here to access our store. Or, even if you aren’t ready to buy, you can click the link and check out our store. There is a plethora of information on all of our silicone roof products that may help you in making roofing decisions.
Do You Prefer to Talk to a Salesman?
We know that many people like the personal touch of a salesman and want to speak with someone before they order. This conversation or series of conversations is often a way for someone to make sure their order is being taken correctly, address any shipping concerns, ensure the material is a fit for their project, etc. If you’d like to speak with a salesman, you can use the contact form here or find your personal PM Representative.
Make Sure You Want to Buy Silicone Roof Coatings
Our coatings aren’t right in every situation, and we know that. We aren’t going to try and sell you material that you won’t be happy with. Before you get too excited about our great new online store and make a purchase today, you should ask yourself some questions about silicone coatings. Are they right for your building? Are you located in an environment that is good for silicone? Does silicone fit in your roofing budget? These are the three most pressing concerns every decision maker must address before ordering silicone roof products. If you have asked yourself these questions and each answer was a positive for roof coatings, head on over to our online store to see what we have to offer!