Most of the time, we would recommend to building owners and facility managers that they be willing to invest more money up front to get a better life and use out of their roofing system. We work with the contractors in our network to make sure they are also recommending long-term …
What Is Your Roof’s Expected Structural Load?
CAN YOUR ROOF HANDLE THE STRESS YOU PUT IT UNDER? Many people overuse the roof surface on their commercial building, thinking that their roof is stronger than it is. They store things on their roof, allow constant foot traffic, and install equipment that the roof is not …
Don’t Forget the Roof Deck Beneath Your Flat Roof Replacement Project
YOUR ROOFING MATERIAL MAY BE STRONG, BUT IS YOUR ROOF DECK? One of the most commonly overlooked issues with roofing projects today and in the last twenty years is the strength of the roof deck. Many building owners and facility managers assume that just because their roofing …
Is Your Roofing Material Saving or Costing You Money?
A ROOF WITH GREAT INSULATION CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, BUT A ROOF WITH POOR INSULATION CAN COST YOU THOUSANDS We measure the insulation value of a roof, and any other surface and material with insulating capabilities, in terms of R-value. R-value is the rating of a material’s …
Roof Coatings Comparison
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How to Develop a Successful Roof Maintenance Plan
IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE A ROOF MAINTENANCE PLAN But even more important is that it is properly prepared. It would be a huge waste of time to prepare a plan for your roof without making sure you are preparing a roof maintenance plan that will work for your roof. But …
How to Perform a Commercial Roof Inspection
ONCE YOU PLAN YOUR INSPECTION, MAKE SURE YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT. So you’ve examined your building environment and determined how often you should perform inspections. You’ve prepared your equipment, gathered your staff, and are ready to head up to the rooftop to inspect for any …
Keeping up with Your Commercial Roof Maintenance
WE’VE ALL HAD IT HAPPEN TO US. WE ALL HOPE IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. What have we all experienced? Unexpected expenses. Whether it has been on our car when the transmission went out, our home when the water heater went out, or the building we manage when the roof began to leak. …
What is the Best Flat Roofing Material?
HOW TO EVALUATE YOUR OPTIONS AND CHOOSE THE BEST FLAT ROOFING MATERIAL There are a plethora of flat roofing materials available for use on your building, and it is often overwhelming to try and decide which material is best for your specific situation. We have other posts …
Metal Roof Restoration Products
BEFORE MAKING A REPLACEMENT, CONSIDER THESE METAL ROOF RESTORATION PRODUCTS FOR YOUR FACILITY Can Metal Roof Restoration Products Extend the Life of Your Roof? Many building owners and facility managers often decide that they need to remove and replace their metal roof at the …