Many building owners want apply patches or small repairs to only the leaking portions of their roofs. Rather than perform a thorough rehab of the roof and get it back into good working condition, they only fix what is absolutely necessary. This may work for a while, but before long you have a roof that is covered in patches, still leaks in new places, has taken many hours to fix, and still isn’t a new roof. Surely there’s a better solution?
Fix the Whole Roof, Not Just Parts
Patches to repair a leaking roof are just that: patches. They don’t fix the whole roof, and they can still be prone to future leaks. On top of that, if you have to patch multiple parts of your roof multiple times, you’ve now got more patches than roof! A silicone roof coating can be applied over the entire surface of your roof and fix all current and future leaks at one time. This way you don’t have piece-mealed repairs all over your roof, but one solid, cohesive solution.
Quicker Repairs
Over the years, the amount of time you spend patching your roof leaks can really add up. Each individual repair doesn’t seem to take too much time, so you ignore the problem. However, these repairs add up and before long your spending many, many hours working on your roof. Why not have someone come out to your roof and install a silicone coating over the entire surface that you can trust to prevent leaks for many years to come?
Silicone roof coatings are a great solution to your leaking roof for many more reasons than just the two given above. However, they are great solutions because they fix the entire roof, and lead to less time making repairs in the future. If you’ve got a leaking roof, give us a call to see what silicone roof coatings can do for you.