The maintenance budget can be a pain point for facilities large and small alike. Repairs and maintenance at a facility is not limited to the size of the building. Larger buildings often have larger maintenance expenditures, but they also often have larger overall budgets. Finding methods of decreasing your maintenance budget is a great way to save time and money. If you don’t pay attention to your repairs expenditures and look for ways to minimize them, the maintenance budget can balloon before anyone really notices. As part of your overall building budget, the roof maintenance budget plays a key role in total spending. So, what can you do to decrease your roof maintenance budget?

Utilize a Simpler System to Reduce Overall Repairs
If you have an aged system that has a lot of “moving parts” (i.e. complexity), then you can expect more repairs and maintenance to maintain that complexity. These complex systems have multiple materials and components, and so that presents more opportunities for failure, leading to more repairs. Utilizing a simpler roofing system – such as a silicone roof coating – means you can reduce overall repairs and maintenance as the system is less complex than most. While other systems have several layers, each of which can fail and lead to issues, silicone has only one layer: the silicone. As long as the silicone remains intact, the roof is good to go.
Fewer Leaks Means Fewer Dollars
The next way you can reduce your maintenance budget is by reducing the number of leaks in your roof. Every time your current roof leaks, you have to repair it. That means time and money. Installing a silicone roof coating is one of the most effective ways to eliminate leaks in your roof, so it is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the expenditures that accompany roof leaks.
Recoat Rather than Replace
Other roofing systems have to be repaired often over their life and then replaced after 15-20 years. Silicone is not the same. After the warranty period is reached on your silicone coating, just install another coat and you’re protected for another 20 years. You can expect no leaks during that time, meaning no repairs.
Fewer Supplies Required for Maintenance
Of course, no system is perfect, and silicone will occassionally need to be repaired. When a repair is required, you don’t need expensive equipment or materials to perform the repair. A rag, a tube of caulk, and a caulk gun are generally all you need. Just wipe off the offending area, cover the issue caulk, and you’re done. No roofing system can be repaired as easily as silicone.
Utilizing a simpler roofing system on your building is a key component to decreasing your maintenance budget. You can expect major savings of both time and money with a silicone coating. Coatings reduce overall repairs, reduce leaks, and reduce the amount of equipment and material required to make the repairs.