There are really only two options for installing silicone roof coatings on your building; you can install them yourself or pay a silicone roof coating contractor to install them for you. If you’ve got a 500,000 square foot building, you should probably consider paying someone else to perform the installation for you. If you’ve got a 120 square foot roof on your shed, that project is significantly more manageable as a DIY project. So what should impact your decision?
Do You Have the Time?
Do you have time to install the coating yourself, or will it take you six months to complete the project? If your roof is leaking now, you probably need it fixed now and a silicone roof coating contractor can get the job done quickly.
Do You Have the Knowledge?
Silicone roof coatings are pretty easy to install, but that doesn’t mean you can install them without ever practicing or reading the directions. Silicone roof coating contractors will have experience and specialization in working with the project, and therefore they can get the job done quicker than you can.

Do You Have the Equipment?
All this really means for smaller projects is a paint roller, roller cover, and a bucket (which the coating comes in), but for larger projects, this means you need a spray machine, probably a couple hundred feet of hose, and a spray gun.
DIY or Hire a Silicone Roof Coating Contractor?
Based on your answers to the questions above, it should be pretty easy to determine if you should tackle your roof coating project and make it a DIY project. If you just realized you don’t have the time, knowledge, or equipment, then go call a contractor and make sure it’s done right.
Paying Someone to Coat Your Roof
Now the question becomes “Who will I pay to install the coating on my roof?” If you’re not doing it yourself, that means someone else is. Is it going to be your uncle who painted his living room once, a friend who owns a construction business, or a commercial contractor that has experience working with silicone roof coatings? Each of the three options carry different benefits, we tend to think the commercial contractor’s benefits outweigh the benefits provided by the others.
The bottom line in choosing a commercial contractor is to make sure you choose a trustworthy one. The only thing worse than a leaking roof is someone working on your leaking roof who you don’t know or trust.
Use the three simple questions above to determine if you should install the roof yourself or hire someone else to do it, and then make sure you hire someone you can trust. Buying silicone roof coatings and installing them is really that simple.