Buying a silicone roof coating is usually a straightforward process. You get a quote from the manufacture, issue a PO for the material, it’s made and you get the material a little bit later. However, what do you do when things don’t go smoothly, when there’s a miscommunication and you and the manufacturer have a disagreement on something? Do you trust them to make it right, or will they try to take advantage of you in this situation? These types of miscommunications are rare, but with such a high price tag item, it’s a good idea to be sure you won’t be mistreated.
How to Gauge Integrity with No Relationship
So how can you gauge the integrity of a manufacturer that you don’t have an ongoing relationship with? Well, you can’t do it very well. You simply don’t know them well enough. The key is to talk to people that do know them well; people that can make an assessment of their character and their integrity.
If you can get in touch with even just a few of their existing customers, they can give you an idea of how the manufacturer treats them, takes care of misunderstandings, and if they appear to be honest overall. A good silicone roof coating manufacturer takes care of their customers in every situation. This doesn’t mean that the customer is always right, but that they always strive to honor you and keep you happy.
The integrity of a manufacturer is a major key to keep in mind when you are searching for a silicone roof coating manufacturer. A manufacturer that will lie, gouge you on prices, and mistreat you at every opportunity, is obviously not someone you want to do business with. Research your potential manufacturers current and past customers, see what they say about them, and use this information, along with your other research, to make your sourcing decision.