Many building owners know how to manage their own roof, but many others don’t. This doesn’t mean they are failures as owners, simply that they aren’t experts in roofing. Nothing wrong with that. What’s important is that if you’re a building owner and you don’t know much about roofing, you recognize that and hire someone who is experienced and can properly manage your roof.
We Can Help
There are many roof maintenance companies out there. While we don’t do any roof maintenance, we know that it can be very beneficial to you, and we know of many companies that can maintain your roof for you. Many contractors offer roof maintenance services where they inspect and repair your roof regularly. Let’s look at the pros and cons of outsourcing your roofing needs, to see if it’s something you’d like to do.
Should You Outsource Your Roofing?
Pros of Outsourcing
You get a professional who is only focused on maintaining your roof, rather than juggling 1,000 different things. As a building owner, we know you’re very busy. Outsourcing your roofing is a great way to save yourself some time
You don’t have to worry about the roof at all. You can schedule them to come out and inspect the roof, and you really never have to think about your roof again.
You know it will be handled correctly. If you choose to manage your roof yourself, you’ll end up second-guessing the decisions you make.
Cons of Outsourcing
It can be very costly. This one speaks for itself, paying someone to manage your roof can be expensive, but there is also another significant drawback of outsourcing your roofing needs.
You lose familiarity with your roof and aren’t learning about it by working on it. If this isn’t important to you, then ignore this one, but many building owners want an intimate knowledge of all portions of their building.
Pros of Doing It Yourself
You hold complete control over the process. You know of everything that happens on your roof. If something goes wrong, you know about it.
There is no risk of getting ripped off. Property management companies do have to have to make a profit, and this can occasionally lead to them offering you services you don’t truly need.
Cons of Doing It Yourself
Managing your roof takes a significant amount of time, and many building owners don’t have a lot of spare time. Is it worth saving the money to eat up all your time?
You will probably second guess yourself at some point in time if you are managing the roof yourself. You’ll find something wrong with your roof, make a decision of how you’ll fix it, and then second guess and wonder if you made the right call.
There are benefits and advantages to outsourcing your roofing and doing it yourself. Hopefully these pros and cons will help you make the right decision for your roof moving forward.