As you look at purchasing a new flat roof for your building, it’s important to know the expected life cycle of the roof you’re considering. Is it a 10 year roof or a 50 year roof? One of those is significantly better for you, as long as you want a roof that lasts that long. There are some situations where you wouldn’t want to purchase a roof with a terribly long life, let’s start by examining why you wouldn’t want a long-term solution for your building.
When a Short Lifespan is OK
If you are planning on selling the building in the next 5-10 years, or remodeling the entire building, or if you’re not sure about the future of the company occupying the building, you may want a roof that’s only expected to last 10 or so years. Sure, a longer building would still be better, but who wants to pay for the quality of a 50 year roof if they only need 5-10 years? The answer is no one.
Which System Has the Best Lifespan?
When it comes to overall lifecycle with cost in mind, spray foam is the best standalone roofing system. The initial install can last 20-25 years, and each time the silicone coating on top wears thin, you can simply apply a new silicone coating (which is very inexpensive) and you’ve got a brand new roof set to last you 20+ years. There is essentially no limit to how many times you can repeat this process.
Metal roofs also tend to last a very long time, although they require significantly more repairs than a foam roof. It seems like building owners with a metal roof are almost always up on the building repairing something.
There are plenty of different roofs with varying lifespans, the key for you is to find the lifespan of the particular roof you are interested in and weigh it, along with the other benefits provided, against the cost of the system.