How can we prevent roof waste over-filling our landfills?
The answer is simple: Stop tearing roofs off and replacing them!

The way we’ve been removing and replacing roofs for the last 60 years doesn’t work. It costs more, requires more labor, and is filling up our landfills at an alarming rate. According to Elizabeth Hart Morris, executive director of Green Roof info Think-tank in Portland, Oregon, “More than 8 million tons of roofing tear-off waste are dumped into US landfills each year”. Discarded roofing material is the third largest contributor to US landfills. This is a major problem.
But there can’t be an easy solution, can there? Problems of this scale are never easy to solve – unless they are easy. In this case, this problem is extremely easy to solve. Tearing off roofs is filling up landfills, so let’s stop tearing them off. How can we do that? By coating them with silicone. A typical Silicone Roof Coating Restoration project will require tearing off less than 5% of the roof. Usually far less, as in 0-1%. But in some cases, a little tear off is required.
It is estimated that 80-85% of roofs that are torn off are quality candidates for a Silicone Roof Coating Restoration. So a conservative estimate would be that 80% of roofs can be recoated, and only 5% of those roofs that are recoated need to be torn off. Combining these two figures results in reducing roof removal by 76%, or 6.1 million tons per year. Picture 1 million Asian Elephants standing together, and that is how much weight you just removed from US landfills. That is a worthy goal!
As silicone roof coatings become more and more utilized in the market, we are poised to see a major shift in landfill usage. What can you do to help minimize landfill overcrowding?