In the roofing world, it has become all too common for a roof to be torn off, only to be replaced with another roof that does the exact same thing. Roofs that are in great structural condition are torn off all the time simply to be replaced with another roof. We’re out to change that trend, and we believe restoration coatings are the best way to avoid tearoff. Let’s look at common situations in which a roof is replaced, rather than restored, and the benefits you receive when you avoid tearoff.
When are Roofs Replaced?
The most common time a roof is replaced is not when it is failing, but when it is out of warranty. If a roof is leaking, it is oftentimes patched rather than replaced. This leaves a majority of roofs to be replaced simply to get the roof system back under warranty should it fail in a big way. However, a roof that is out of warranty doesn’t need to be replaced. Restore your out of warranty roof with a silicone coating to avoid tearoff.
Next, roofs are often replaced when they are leaking. Many times they are simply repaired, but there are also many cases in which a leaking roof is replaced because it is leaking. In these cases, the building owner is almost surely spending more time and money on the roof than they need to. Again, restoring a leaking roof with a silicone coating is a cost-effective way to avoid tearoff.
Finally, roofs that are in poor structural condition are often (and should be) replaced with a new roof. We don’t recommend restoring your roof if it isn’t safe. We agree that if your roof is failing structurally, you should replace it as soon as possible to ensure safety of all occupants.
Benefits When You Avoid Tearoff
If your roof is in a condition that allows you to restore rather than replace, you receive some real benefits from doing so. First, you save time. Tearing off your roof can add weeks or months to your project depending on the size of your roof. Avoid tearoff and you avoid all that wasted time.
Next, avoiding tearoff saves you money. You don’t have to pay the labor to tear off. No dumpster and waste services. You don’t have to replace the insulation in your roof.
Finally, when you avoid tearoff you avoid hurting the environment with unnecessary waste. Constantly tearing off roofs every 15-20 years produces a lot of waste. This unnecessary waste then fills our landfills and pollutes our earth.
If you can avoid tearoff on your next roofing project, we encourage you to do so. There are very tangible benefits when you avoid tearing off. Contact us today to see if your roof is a candidate for restoring rather than replacing.