If you use traditional roofing systems, that means you have to use traditional roofing methods. A traditional roofing staple is tearing off the existing roof before installing the new system. This method presents obvious problems as it exposes the interior of the building to the elements and temperatures of the environment outside the building. This can greatly limit your roofing season as foul weather outside you to tear off the roof.

Struggles with Tear-Off and Rain
Using traditional roofing methods, if rain is forecast any time soon, you can’t remove the existing roof. You can’t risk opening up the building and exposing the interior to the elements. If rain comes soon, you’re going to be replacing whatever is inside the building and that comes out of your pocket. Of course, if what is inside the building can’t be replaced, such as sensitive documents or materials, then you’re in even more trouble. For roofing contractors operating in high-moisture areas, this can greatly limit the number of days available to you to work. Don’t shorten your roofing season by continuing to tear off the existing roof, use a silicone coating to extend roofing season.
Struggles with Tear-Off and Snow
When snow is forecast, the problems with tear-off are largely the same as they are with rain. The primary difference is that when snow is forecast, that means it’s also often very cold. Even if the snow doesn’t come, tearing off the roof will let the freezing cold air in which makes occupants highly uncomfortable or will force them to vacate the building. Forcing the office to empty of its occupants means work is halted, costing your customers money in lost efforts.
Utilizing traditional roofing methods does still meet the needs of many customers. These systems and methods haven’t been around for 100+ years for no reason. They work in most cases. However, if tear-off is a concern for your project, consider using a newer roofing method, a silicone coating, which eliminates tear-off and eliminates the headache that comes with it.