When considering commercial roof replacement, it’s pretty obvious that the size of your roof will impact the amount of money you spend. Most building owners recognize this. However, it’s not just the installation of the new roof that will impact the cost of your project. It’s also not just the length-times-width roof size that will impact the cost of your commercial roof replacement. Overall roof size has many effects on the cost of your commercial roofing project. Let’s check them out below.

Roof Size Impacts Tear-Off
Most building owners realize that the size of your roof will impact the cost of installing a new roof. What they often forget is that the size of the roof also impact the tear-off of the old roof. Tear-off is hard work and can be expensive. A large roof with a lot of square feet means a lot of tear-off, which is time consuming, labor intensive, and expensive. It means you have to pay to haul off the old material. It means you run a greater risk of finding problems on your roof because there is more opportunity for problems in a larger area. The size of your roof impacts the installation process in more ways than one.
Roof Height Adds Cost
The height of your roof will also impact the cost of your commercial roof replacement. A very tall roof will require special equipment to get on the roof. You’ll need a lift to transport heavy equipment up. You’ll need a way to get the waste from the tear-off off the roof. You’ll need more ladders, more hose (if you’re spraying the roof), and in general just more. A tall roof adds costs to your project that you might not consider if you just look at overall roof size.
Roof Slope Adds Safety Concerns
The slope of the roof can also be included when talking about the size, and slope adds a whole myriad of factors to your commercial roof replacement project cost. The slope of the roof can vary from nearly flat, to very steep. This impacts the type of safety equipment you must use, how you will install it, and how freely you can move on the roof. A steep roof means more safety equipment. This can also mean workers have to move more slowly and carefully, which improves safety but increases labor costs. Don’t overlook the slope of your roof when considering a commercial roof replacement and the cost of it.
Examining roof size is crucial when considering a commercial roof replacement. But don’t forget to consider other factors such as roof height and roof slope. Both can cause significant changes to the cost of your project. Thanks for reading, and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.