The biggest concern for all roofing contractors is roofing around rain. Nothing can derail a project like rain. Nothing can damage an owner’s property like rain while you have the roof opened up. Nothing can mess up your day on the roof like unexpected rain. But does rain have to be such a problem? Does rain have to completely shut down your project? If you use silicone, we say “No!”

Roofing Before Rain Comes
With most traditional roofing systems, you have to tear off the existing roof. If rain is coming and the roof is opened up, you have to start working long before the rain comes just to lay down tarps and other catchment systems. You have to stop roofing and start managing water well before the rain starts. This is an obvious blow to productivity, and you’re still never sure if you were able to completely seal everything up.
However, if you’re using a silicone roof, very little tear-off is required, if any. So you can work right up to about an hour before the rain starts, rather than an hour (in a pinch, if you are still spraying 20-30 minutes before rain comes you still shouldn’t be in too much trouble). When the rain comes, the coating is already tack-free and won’t wash off the roof. A problem with other coatings is that the rain comes and washes the coating right off the edge of the building. But with silicone, moisture causes it to cure faster. So, even if it starts raining while you are applying coating, the worst that will happen is the coating will get dimples and you’ll have to recoat it a bit when the rain stops.
Problems on the Roof in the Rain
Even worse than coating wash-off is for traditional roofing, having the roof opened up in the rain. Flooding residential buildings, libraries, government buildings, or corporations with lots of files is a contractor’s worst nightmare. Rushing to cover the exposed area with rain on the way is a struggle and it is often ineffective. A major benefit of silicone roof coatings is that you don’t have to worry about exposing your interior to the exterior.
While no one can install a roof in the rain (or should we say “properly” install a roof in the rain), silicone roof coatings are far more user-friendly when it comes to rain-sensitive operations. Call us today to learn about putting rain behind you and roofing more confidently.