When winter hits and snow is possible, most roofing systems are no longer usable. It gets too cold and the materials become brittle, or they shrink, or they are no longer workable. Whatever the reason, there usually isn’t a lot of roofing done in the wintertime. The overly cold weather just shuts most systems down. With silicone roof coatings, however, snow doesn’t have to mean the end of your roofing season. Let’s take a look and see how snow doesn’t have to be an issue for you and your roofing project if you choose silicone roof coatings.

What is the True Problem with Snow?
The true problem with snow, as we said here isn’t so much the snow itself, but the cold weather that comes with it. Yes, if it is actively snowing, you shouldn’t be installing silicone roof coatings or any other system for that matter, but snow isn’t that much different from rain in that regard. How snow does differ is the cold. If it might snow today, that means the temperature is probably near freezing. Temperatures that cold mean you may not be able to work with most roofing systems.
If snow isn’t the main problem but cold is, what can you do about the cold?
Installing Silicone Roof Coatings in Cold Weather
While you can’t just turn on a giant space heater and warm up the job site, you can turn on small ones and warm up the silicone. In cold weather, putting drum heaters around your material to keep it warm (and therefore viscous and free-flowing) can allow you to continue working on 34 degree days and up. We wouldn’t recommend going much lower than 34 degrees, but if the roof is dry you’re good to go.
As long as you can keep your materials and your crew warm enough to work, the cold weather isn’t much of a problem.
Preventing Stoppage from Tear-Off
Another major problem with roofing in the wintertime is that any tear-off required exposes the interior of the building to the cold weather. This is an obvious problem if the temperatures are approaching freezing as you’ll lower the interior temperature of the building significantly.
However, by choosing a silicone coating, you eliminate 95%+ of the tear-off and therefore can do more work when it’s cold without disturbing the occupants.
Silicone roof coatings extend your roofing season well into the winter months by avoiding tear-off and because they retain their properties even in the cold. Contact us today to learn about roofing in the winter months.