When you decide to restore your roof with a silicone coating rather than repair or replace it, how do you then decide which coating you will use to restore it? The first step is to decide on the type of coating, acrylic, silicone, aluminum, or others. Whatever coating you decide, you then have to select a manufacturer to supply the coating.

Choosing a Silicone Coating Manufacturer
If you select silicone to restore your roof, you then have to select a silicone coating manufacturer to provide you with material for the restoration. How do you choose the best silicone coating manufacturer for your project? We’ve got a few criteria to help you make your decision.
The location of your chosen silicone coating manufacturer plays a big role in your decision for several reasons. The first is shipping costs. If you are planning on receiving a large shipment of material from this manufacturer yet you are located 1,500 miles away, you are going to see significant shipping costs.
Second, the location determines how quickly you can get the material. A silicone coating manufacturer located in New Albany, IN can deliver to Dayton, OH much faster than a manufacturer out of Phoenix. The location of the manufacturer could be the difference in finishing a project on time and finishing it late.
When choosing your silicone coating manufacturer, don’t forget that their location impacts you in two ways, cost and time.
If you have a large roof, or multiple roofs, or if you simply want to be very thorough, you may want to go on a tour of the factory of your potential silicone coating manufacturers. Is the factory clean, does it look like the employees care and are paying attention? How is the material stored? You can learn a lot about the finished product by seeing how it is made.
What is the history of the silicone coating manufacturer in question? Do they have a good track record? Or no track record? Do they appear trustworthy and like a company you want to do business with? Ask around to companies that they say have used their material and find out what others are saying about them. The recommendation of other building owners and companies that have used this silicone coating manufacturer can really help you make your decision.
At the end of the day, the location of your silicone coating manufacturer will probably play the biggest role in your decision. If they are in business, they most likely are doing at least acceptable work and keeping their current customers happy. At the end of the day, the ability to quickly get material to your building in a timely, cost-effective manner will be the main criteria for choosing a silicone coating manufacturer.