When a building owner upgrades their roofing system, they usually get a new roof that will last them 15, 20, maybe 25 years. Occasionally a building owner will spend more to get a 30 or 40 year roof, but those are rarer due to the higher price tag. What if there was a roof that would essentially last you for the rest of the life of your building? What would you say about a roofing system that would be your last roof ever, and how much would you pay for it? Well, you don’t have to pay as much as you’d think for a silicone roof coating – your last roof ever.

Silicone Coatings Can Last a Lifetime – Your Last Roof Ever
Instead of the usual roof life cycle of install, repair, tear-out, replace, silicone coatings live by a different roofing life cycle. Install, repair (maybe), recoat, repair (maybe), recoat, etc. Once installed, a silicone coating requires very little repairs and maintenance as there are no seams or fasteners. Once it is “worn out” or begins to become thin, simply reapply, also known as recoating, with more silicone and you have another 10-15 years of useful life out of your roof. Silicone could legitimately be the last roof you ever have to install on your building. This is thanks to the science and engineering behind silicone coatings that make them so resilient and so durable.
Great Roof Performance for Many Years
On top of an exceedingly long useful life, silicone coatings offer many benefits that other roof systems can’t claim. They offer reflectivity benefits that decrease your energy consumption and help the environment around your building. They are seam and fastener-free, meaning you don’t have to worry about the common leaks. They also offer benefits related to ease of application.
If you’re looking for a long-term roofing solution, silicone roof coatings are an option you have to at least consider. While they aren’t right in every situation, there are many roofing opportunities where silicone coatings are a great fit (see here, here and here). Give us a call to see how silicone roof coatings can extend the life of your building and improve its performance.