One of the most important parts of the silicone manufacturing process is storing the material after it is finished. A great batch of silicone roof coating can be ruined if it isn’t carefully and properly stored. As you look at potential silicone roof coating manufacturers to purchase from, don’t overlook their storage procedures as they can give you some insight into the quality of material you’ll be getting.

Each Drum is Crucial
The packaging of silicone roof coatings is a delicate process; each drum, bucket or pail needs to be carefully sealed to ensure the material performs as expected on the roof. On top of the coating, make sure your manufacturer is putting some sort of barrier between the coating and the air in the drum. Whether this is a sheet of plastic, a layer of another gas to remove oxygen from the drum, or otherwise, it’s crucial to make sure they are doing something to protect the coating. This is important because the coating can cure up if there is air in the drum or bucket, and then you’ve wasted some of the coating you paid for.
The Big Picture
While each drum is carefully sealed and stored, it’s also important that the manufacturer you’re looking at has proper storage procedures for all their drums once completed. A good method of keeping track of their inventory and a good way to store their inventory are both crucial. Manufacturers have to know which batches are where, when they were made, etc.
Coating Shelf-Life
Silicone roof coatings have a limited shelf-life, after which point they can’t be installed on a roof. The shelf-life varies depending on storage and formulation, but it is generally between 1-2 years. A final consideration in your silicone roof coating manufacturer’s storage process is how long do they keep the material, and is any of it approaching its expiration date? If they have a month left, by the time you order it, have it shipped, and then are ready to be on the roof, it may be expired. This is just another facet to keep an eye on.
Silicone roof coatings are a great material once on a roof, but they can be quite delicate in their unfinished state. Make sure your silicone roof coating manufacturer is taking proper care of the material before selling it to you.