As businesses of all shapes and sizes figure out how to combat COVID-19 slowdowns, one thing is certain: many businesses are turning to online platforms to maintain contact with existing and potential clients. Because of this, we believe there is no better time to improve your business’ current social media pages or create them altogether! We hope you find the coming weeks’ blogs useful as we dive into some key components of these four platforms:
Social Media Basics
It’s important to note that each social media platform will serve a similar purpose for your company, but each one offers different features. In order to fully utilize social media, you’ll want to be as far-reaching as possible! Having a well-rounded presence will allow you to maximize your effectiveness on social media.
One of the major perks of social media is that it’s free! All basic accounts cost nothing, and you don’t necessarily need any of the upgrades. If you’re thinking, “Sure it’s free, but it’s also a waste of time,” think again. Any company that uses social media well will tell you there is a major upside to properly utilizing these services. It becomes a waste of time if you create the account but don’t post, share, or like anything. Even worse, if you only post a couple times a month. When people look up your business on Twitter and Facebook (which they do), your company’s profile could be the first impression they have of your company. If they see nothing has been posted in 2 years, they’ll wonder what happened and might even question whether your business is active.
Social Media Do’s and Don’ts
Throughout this series, we will look at what NOT to do on social media. Using social media effectively can help drive revenue, but one wrong post can have a lasting negative impact on your company. We will look at some of the biggest mistakes people make on social media and the best ways to keep your company out of these situations.
To begin this blog series, here are a few questions you could ask yourself as you navigate social media:
- Is it clear what product or service we offer?
- Do our posts drive viewers to our website?
- Are pictures of our work easy to access?
- Are the pictures high quality and do they enhance the look of our work?
All the information provided in this series is meant to be a reference for you, and not an exhaustive “how to” of each platform. Should you need any help, feel free to contact your Regional Manager here and they can connect you with the PM Marketing team! Please read along next week as we discuss Twitter and a full list of Do’s and Don’ts for this platform.