Ensure Proper Coverage & Usage!
For most of you out there, it’s probably best to answer the obvious first. What does, “Staging and Gridding a Roof” even mean? It’s pretty simple actually! Staging and gridding a roof means that you are measuring out sections of the roof, therefore ensuring accurate coating coverage and usage. Once completed, it would literally look like there was a grid on the roof, if you were above the roof looking down.
Staging a Roof
Using our Silicone Coverage Guide, you can easily see just how much silicone you’ll need for any job. Based on the roof substrate and warranty you’ve selected, you will find how many square feet (sf) a 5 gallon bucket will coat. Let’s look at a metal roof with a 10-year warranty as an example:
- This roof and warranty type would require 20 dry mils of silicone
- That’s 1.5 gallons per square (100sf)
- This means you will be able to coat 325sf per 5-gallon bucket
Gridding a Roof
Now to grid the roof! All you’ll do is measure off 18’ x 18’ sections on the roof. You can mark these sections anyway you’d like, but most contractors typically just make a dot on each corner of the 18’ x 18’ box. Once you’ve got your boxes created, you’ll have your grid! After the grid is complete, you simply pour a 5-gallon bucket all around one of the 18′ x 18′ sections and roll it out to each corner. This will ensure that you have covered 325sf with the 5-gallon bucket. Do this to each section until the roof is complete for proper coverage.
Staging and gridding a roof is a quick and simple way to make sure you have the right coating coverage and usage for any job. This tactic works for any roof type and will help ensure all specifications are met to receive warranty coverage. For questions about warranties, staging, and gridding, please reach out to our VP of Technical Services, BJ Steele.