When you replace your commercial roof, you want to get a long roof lifespan on your new roof. Unless you’re planning on tearing down the building soon, you don’t want a system that will only last a few years. As you consider multiple systems for your building – as you should – take into account the roof lifespan of each of them. Some systems are inexpensive or provide great results, but only last for short periods of time.
Expected Roof Lifespan of Various Systems
First off, a roof can only last as long and perform as well as it is maintained. It is extremely important to take proper care of your roof if you want it to last very long. All of the lifespans given below are given with the understanding that the roof is properly installed and properly maintained.
Metal roofs generally last between 30-45 years. That is a fairly wide span, and it is so wide because metal roofs perform differently in different climates and parts of the country. A moderate climate with fairly consistent temperatures is easier on a metal roof. Places where the weather constantly changes can lead to thermal shock, which can lead to the metal deteriorating faster than normal.
Metal roofs are also available in many different types, and the type of metal you select can impact the life of the roof.
You can expect a concrete roof to last anywhere between 40-50 years. Concrete roofs are heavy and require a strong roof deck, but if you have that, you can expect a long, effective life out of them.
Concrete roofs are one of the easier roofing systems to maintain and last a very long time, major benefits to building owners.
Spray-Applied Coatings
Let’s look at silicone coatings, specifically here. They can be expected to last 20 years and still provide leak-free results at the end of that time period. However, after 20 years, they can be recoated to provide 20 more years of protection. This recoat process can go on as long as the roof is in good structural condition, so silicone coatings can realistically protect your building for 60+ years. What a lifespan!
Spray Foam
Spray foam roofs can last upwards of 50 years, although more recent estimates with current materials are closer to 25 years. The formulas involved in spray foam roofing have changed over the last 4-5 years, and as such the lifespan of the product has changed. The material is now safer to install, but doesn’t last as long as it once did.
Spray foam roofs benefit from the ability to be recoated just like spray-applied coatings do, and therefore they can theoretically last as long as the building remains intact and safe.
There are many different single-ply membranes available, and while they all differ slightly, as a whole they are very similar. Most single-ply roofs will last between 15-30 years. They cannot be recoated at the end of their lives, and either require a new roof to be installed over top of them, be torn out, or to be restored with a roof coating.
The expected lifespan of your potential roofing systems cannot be overly scrutinized when considering a new roof. It is an extremely important factor. Give us a call today to learn more.
Please note that the lifespans detailed above are in the cases of proper installation, maintenance, and favorable weather and climate conditions. Your results may vary.