Wildlife-Deterrent Silicone
If you have ever noticed scratch or peck marks on your roof, you’ll want to make sure you are regularly monitoring it to ensure the damage isn’t getting worse. If left untreated, animals can damage roofs and lead to costly repairs. Today’s blog will show how Progressive Materials (PM Silicone) Wildlife Deterrent Silicone can stop animal damage in its tracks and protect your roof for years to come.
The Problem
With autumn here and winter not far in the distance, animals are beginning their hunt for food and shelter. Birds and rodents can cause serious damage to commercial roofs as they chew through roof substrates to find insects, crack open nuts, etc. Raccoons, squirrels, and other rodents can also create holes or nests in the roofing materials. Additionally, birds cause problems with their pecking or as their acidic droppings erode the surface of the roof. That leads to weakened areas and potential leaks. If left untreated, these issues could lead to major damage down the line.
The Solution
PM’s HS 3200-BX Series Wildlife Deterrent Silicone is a great choice in areas that need extra protection from potential wildlife damage. It’s made with proprietary additives that deter wildlife damage on roofs. The additives that deter wildlife are non-toxic and completely safe. In fact, it deters animals from swallowing roofing material, so it can actually help protect animals that may have otherwise swallowed toxic roofing materials.
Additionally, PM’s Wildlife Deterrent Silicone is an inorganic roof coating. That means that bird droppings that can damage many roof substrates will not hurt silicone’s performance. Its chemical resiliency acts as a barrier between the birds and the roof. When combined with silicone’s seamless, waterproofing benefits, this product becomes a great solution to prevent wildlife damage on your building, as shown in these before and after photos.
Left unchecked, birds and rodents cause serious damage to commercial roofs. However, we’ve shown in this blog that our Wildlife Deterrent Silicone performs the same way as our typical silicone, but with additional benefits. You can have the benefits of PM Silicone with the peace of mind that your roof will be protected from those pesky animals. To see this product in action, check out the project profile. Buzzards were destroying this shopping center’s roof before PM’s Wildlife Deterrent Silicone came to the rescue.
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