Women in Roofing
As leaders in the roof coating industry, we believe it is our responsibility to represent equality through our words and actions. Part of how we do this is through our dedication to empowering women in the roofing industry. According to stats by the National Women in Roofing Corporation, estimates show that only about 0.5% of the roofing industry in America is made up by women.
Here at Progressive Materials, we are proud to have female representation in every department of our company. Whether it’s our President, Danielle Wells, or any number of the women who work in our production, sales, technical, or administrative departments, women are essential to all areas of PM.
Why This Matters to Us
At PM, we believe it is important for companies to have a more equal representation of women in the workplace. We have found that it is not only the right thing to do, but it has also been beneficial to our business. Having strong female representation in our company is something that we believe to be a catalyst to our success.
It’s an unfortunate trend in male-dominated industries, such as roofing, to overlook female candidates for certain roles. We can proudly say this is not true of Progressive Materials. Women make up 31% of our company because of the emphasis placed on skills and work-ethic, not gender.
As We Look Ahead
All of us here at Progressive Materials are eager to see a future where women are representing a much larger portion of the roofing industry and we show that through our actions. We firmly believe that greater female representation will make our industry stronger. Thank you to all the women who have made PM a great place to work!