No, we know that replacing your roof isn’t a life or death scenario, but it can be a real pain to deal with. Moving equipment, canceling meetings, working around roofers and contractors, and just the noise, in general, can all make a roof replacement hard to live with. So what can you do to keep your roof replacement project as pain-free as possible? We’ve got a few tips for you.
Plan Your Production Around the Roof Schedule
If you know when and where the workers plan to be, plan your work around them. Don’t just move haphazardly in response to the workers, but try and develop a plan. This will minimize the amount of time you spend relocating. If you’re just reacting to the presence of the roofers, rather than anticipating and planning, you’ll end up moving equipment and inventory in a last-second rush, you’ll end up moving more than necessary, and you’ll be frustrated at the amount of time it takes. Develop a plan to save time.

Work Closely with the Crews
Whether this means the roofing crew, the electrical crew, or a different group of workers, it’s important to know what’s going on. As you work to plan your production around the roofing schedule, you have to know what their plan is first. By keeping a close relationship with the workers on your project, you will also see them starting to work with you more consciously. When there’s a relationship, trust develops and they want to start helping you out more. Develop that relationship, maintain it, and you’ll be able to better plan your operations.
Temporarily Suspend Operations
This isn’t a great option in most scenarios, but if you can afford to take a month or two off, then suspending operations may not be a bad idea. Perhaps you work in an industry that doesn’t require much work during a certain season (think schools where nearly everyone leaves the building for the summer). If you are in one of these industries, plan your roof replacement around your off time. Or, if you can’t completely suspend operations, do you have a slow season? A period with mandatory vacation where lots of employees are out of the office? That’s another prime time to make repairs.
Don’t Replace Your Roof
Finally, if none of these options are attractive, you can always forgo the replacement. You might be asking “But what about my roof?” Well, just because you aren’t replacing it doesn’t mean you can’t get a new roof. Applying a silicone coating to your roof will restore your roof rather than replace it. If you need a new roof but can’t shut your operations down and don’t want to have to relocate around workers, silicone is for you. It is more affordable, projects are completed faster, and no tear-off is required.
If you’re going the traditional roof replacement route, then there are some options for you to help things go as smoothly as possible. But, if you can’t make the accommodation lined out in this post, a silicone roof might work better for you. At the end of the day, only you know your operations well enough to make these decisions. Give us a call today if you’d like to plan out a roof replacement project.