So you’ve saved your customers a boatload of money through decreased installation costs. You found them a great product to install on the roof of their building, and then told them about how much less expensive it is than what they have been using. Perfect! Your customers will be so thankful and happy. However, the satisfaction of providing a great product to your customers isn’t the only benefit of decreased installation costs. When you choose silicone roof coatings and save your customers money, you also get to choose what to do with the savings.

Pass All Savings To Your Customer
This is a great way to earn repeat business. If your customer was expecting to spend X, and you found a system that will allow them to spend 0.5X instead, they will be extremely happy. If you offer your customer the option to get a great roof for half of what they planned on spending, they are likely to come back to you again and again. Everyone likes to save money, especially when it’s on their roof. Save your customers money in a big way, and they’ll thank you with repeat business.
Plow Some of the Savings Back into the Company
You can also keep a portion of the savings and pour them back into your company. Roof contractors are always in need of new equipment. If you can save money on all your restoration jobs, you can pass some savings on to your customer and keep some savings to improve the company. Buy a better sprayer, which will allow you to save more money on the next job. Invest in new equipment to replace some of the worn out stuff. Give your crews a bonus for working so hard on past jobs. There are plenty of things you can do with the savings. Your customer planned on paying X, you provided a restoration solution that will cost them only 0.7X, and you keep 0.2X (the difference between 0.7X and 0.5X). Everyone is happy, and your company can do a better job with better equipment for that customer’s next job.
Decreased installation costs provide you with some flexibility as to what you can do with your profits. You can give savings to your customers, improve your equipment, keep your employees happy, or find something else to do. Either way, finding a system with decreased installation costs like silicone is of great benefit to you and your customers.