Free Safety Checklist Available In the TV series “Hill Street Blues,” police Sgt. Phil Esterhaus delivers one of our greatest catchphrases: "Let's be careful out there.” It’s easy to see how that advice carries weight in other occupations as well – especially dangerous jobs like …
Premium Colors
PM’s Premium Colors Most building owners who have used PM Silicone on their roof are sold on the “cool roof” qualities of Progressive Materials’ white silicone. Building owners love the UV reflectivity and energy savings gained from our white coatings! Others, however, may …
PM Silicone and Rooftop Solar
A Trend on the Rise... It's no secret that our nation and the world are moving toward a future engrained in renewable energy sources. As we see solar panels become more prevalent across the country, we decided to dedicate this blog to showing how Progressive Materials (PM …
Proper Seam Prep on a Metal Roof
Horizontal Seams If you have worked on metal roofs, you know horizontal seams present some of the biggest issues. Whether it's natural wear and tear or improper installation, if these seams begin letting water into the building, you have limited time before the issue becomes …
Wildlife Deterrent Silicone
Wildlife-Deterrent Silicone If you have ever noticed scratch or peck marks on your roof, you'll want to make sure you are regularly monitoring it to ensure the damage isn't getting worse. If left untreated, animals can damage roofs and lead to costly repairs. Today’s blog will …
What is an Adhesion Test?
What is an Adhesion Test? If you have ever questioned whether silicone can be applied on your roof, a simple adhesion test can help you determine whether it’s the right choice. We answer the question, “What is an adhesion test?” in this blog and let you know how to do one. …
Silicone Walkway System
Introduction A PM Silicone roof restoration is a great way to give your roof a new life. Your roof will receive a new, completely seamless waterproof membrane that will last for years. Like any roof substrate, however, constant wear and tear could lead to a shortened lifespan …
Proper Maintenance and Care on Your Silicone Roof
It's no secret that a PM Silicone roof restoration is a great way to add decades to your building’s roof. Silicone’s seamless, waterproofing properties can restore almost any substrate and give your current roof new life. But how do you keep it in optimal condition? This blog …
Why Did My Silicone Roof Coating Turn Yellow?
What's the Deal with Yellow Coatings? If you’ve ever coated an oil- or asphalt-based roof (such as modified bitumen or tar) and seen it begin to yellow afterwards, you may be asking yourself “Why Did My Silicone Roof Coating Turn Yellow?” This blog looks into the science behind …
PMU and Building a Better Company
One of Progressive Materials’ core values is that our team members are encouraged and empowered to achieve greatness. Today’s blog looks at our new employee training program Progressive Materials University (PMU) and how it’s building a better company. About PMU In January …