Over the past weeks, we’ve looked at some of the main benefits of spraying PM silicone and rolling PM silicone. Both have unique benefits and each are great for silicone application. Which, then, is the superior application method? Well, as you could have guessed, there is no superior method, but each method can be used more efficiently in certain scenarios.
Spraying PM silicone can be done on any job, but this application method is more commonly used on large jobs. A 50,000 square foot roof would use roughly 250 buckets of PM silicone. That means a 500,000 square foot roof would use 2,500 buckets of PM silicone. Unless you have a lift, you’re looking at hauling all of this up onto the roof yourself! If you go with totes, however, you can spray from the ground and save the hassle. Combine that with a smaller crew size and you’re looking at a very efficient roof restoration method! This method may be a better option for major jobs where large amounts of silicone is used. This will also allow you to buy drums or totes and enjoy the costs savings!
When roll-applying PM silicone, control is key. Although you may need a larger number of people, some of the coating pros swear they can do it faster than spraying. Having control over the product and the ability to apply in windy conditions makes this an equally efficient application method. You also have control over quantity with rolling. When using buckets, you can open just the amount you need for the job and have very little waste. If you get 2/3 of the way through a tote and the job is complete, finding a use for the remaining silicone can be tricky.
At the end of the day, either application method will do for most any job, but knowing these benefits can help you choose which to use and when. Our goal here is to assist our CLAs in being efficient and achieving great results. That’s why we have Regional Manager set up all across the country. The benefits and differences between spraying and rolling are numerous, so our national team of experts is here to help. If you have additional questions about PM silicone application, please reach out to your Regional Manager for a tailored view on which is superior for your specific needs! Thanks for reading!