Which is Right for Your Roof?
One of the most common questions surrounding silicone roof restoration is, “Should I restore my commercial roof or just replace it?” The thought of replacement can be enticing as it seems like a fail-proof, long-term solution. Alternatively, restoration can look good as it is far less expensive, takes less time, and is environmentally friendly.
In this blog series, we’ll be looking at when the right time to restore is vs. when a replacement is necessary. As silicone manufacturers, it’s no secret that we believe in the power of silicone roof restoration, but there are times a replacement is actually necessary. We want to highlight those times in order to provide the most transparent customer service we can.
Please follow along as we discuss the following topics in the upcoming weeks:
- When Are Roof Replacements Necessary?
- When is a Silicone Roof Restoration the Way to Go?
- The Combination Method
Next week, we will begin by looking into when roof replacements are the right choice for failing commercial roofs. As experts in the industry, we have been helping clients answer this question for decades! We hope you follow along as we investigate this issue and bring some clarity to this question. Thanks for reading!